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Responses - receptors, neurones, nerve impulses and muscle contraction playlist
Responses, receptors, neurones and muscle contraction
Receptors - Pacinian corpuscles and Rods & cones (36:09)
Structure of neurones (16:25)
Resting potential (13:40)
Action potentials - how they work (7:34)
Factors affecting speed of conductance of action potentials (9:53)
Synapses - structure, function and modulation (23:19)
Synapses and Neuromuscular Junctions (28:12)
Nervous system and Brain structure; Reflex Actions (20:28)
Taxes and Kineses (31:39)
Control of Heart Rate (20:25)
Muscle contraction (17:38)
Energy for muscle contraction (aerobic, anaerobic and phosphocreatine); Slow and fast twitch fibres (24:32)
Muscle Types - Structure & Function: Skeletal, Smooth and Cardiac (13:25)
Receptors - Pacinian corpuscles and Rods & cones
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